By now medics and paramedics in the community would be aware of the National Registration of paramedics which are expected to go live in late December. What you might not know are what the new minimum education standards are or what to do if you do not hold these qualifications which are called Grandfathering.
Application Process
At this point in time, details on the application process are light however it is anticipated that more information will be available later this year.
To begin the application process, visit AHPRA or the Board’s website to access the online application.
Once your application has been submitted, a chosen delegate relevant in the field will decide and review the outcome on behalf of The Board in line with the National Law.
All applicants will be evaluated against the requirements of National Law and the registration standards, which includes grandfathering arrangements.
Not Currently Working as A Paramedic? No problem!
Three scenarios for a person not currently working are:
- If you are retired and what to use the protected title—non-practising registration is an option
- If you are on long-term leave (long-term sick/work-break, maternity) and are planning to return should consider applying for registration.
- If you may not meet the recency of practice standard but would like to return to the profession. The relevant standard and policy will guide you on how to become eligible
Paramedics are encouraged to stay informed of the registration standards, so they can explore their options. Grandfathering arrangements are available for three years.
Grandfathering Provisions for Existing Paramedics
The intention behind grandfathering is to guarantee practitioners who are authorized to practise the profession, a way to attain registration and so that they aren’t put at a disadvantage because they are not recent graduates.
For more detail on eligibility please visit the Board here.
What is the Grandfathering provision for Paramedics?
The grandfathering provisions in the Bill is for someone who:
- Has completed training or holds another form of qualification in paramedicine, whether elsewhere or in a participating jurisdiction
- Has finished further studies, supervised practice, training in the profession required by the Board for the grounds of this section; or
- Has worked in the paramedicine profession ten years before ‘participation day’ (April 11 2018) for a successive period of five years and proves to the Board they are qualified to practise medicine.
For more information on the Grandfathering provisions and to apply for your new registration, head to the AHPRA or Paramedic Boards website below.